2011 was a whirlwind year and my busiest year yet, even with taking time off due to bed rest and the arrival of my little one. As I was going through my pictures and picking some of my favorites of the year, I kept noticing something - each picture I picked made me smile and made me happy! I hope the pictures I took for my clients which captured their families made them happy as well. I learned this year that it's not about getting that perfect shot or having the child smile exactly right; it's about the joy that the picture can bring. I have to truly thank my clients this year, many of which were past clients. Thank you for trusting me to snap these memories of your families and I hope that I continue to see your families grow! Have a safe and healthy new year!
The year started off with my little one still in my belly:

And then the arrival of my Charlie:

Back to work again with Tina & Joe's family:

Little Miss Claire showed me her bright blue eyes:

Love how Michele glowed throughout her pregnancy:

The May family laughed throughout their session:

Elijah showed off for his 6 month photos:

Hazel joined her new family:

Cousins came together:

Ella loved the beach with her Mom:

Two sisters showed their love:

And two brothers got ready for their senior year:

Family pictures were taken with a new member:

Little ones loved the beach:

Mike became a senior at Mentor:

Elin was welcomed into the world by her parents:

More brother-sister love:

Roman has a big name to live up to:

Charlie decided to go golfing for his 6 month shoot:

Family photos were taken to celebrate and anniversary:

More family love for a little one:

Piper showed off her dance moves:

Brothers played at the beach:

And sisters showed that girls can get along:

A year showed how much one family has grown:

Connor was all smiles for his parents:

And one of my first clients turned 2:

She was a joy to photograph with her smiles:

We had a beautiful fall day for the Williams family:

Charlie had his first trip to the ocean:

Sophia showed off for her 9 month shoot:

Love this little girl's bright blue eyes:

Another beautiful family:

Fun holiday shots:

Logan turned 1 year old:

Walker loved being outside:

Roman laughed throughout his 6 month shoot:

Love this outfit and the holiday decorations:

A smiley baby makes everyone happy:

A beautiful snow to finish the year:

And then the arrival of my Charlie:
Back to work again with Tina & Joe's family:
Little Miss Claire showed me her bright blue eyes:
Love how Michele glowed throughout her pregnancy:
The May family laughed throughout their session:
Elijah showed off for his 6 month photos:
Hazel joined her new family:
Cousins came together:
Ella loved the beach with her Mom:
Two sisters showed their love:
And two brothers got ready for their senior year:
Family pictures were taken with a new member:
Little ones loved the beach:
Mike became a senior at Mentor:
Elin was welcomed into the world by her parents:
More brother-sister love:
Roman has a big name to live up to:
Charlie decided to go golfing for his 6 month shoot:
Family photos were taken to celebrate and anniversary:
More family love for a little one:
Piper showed off her dance moves:
Brothers played at the beach:
And sisters showed that girls can get along:
A year showed how much one family has grown:
Connor was all smiles for his parents:
And one of my first clients turned 2:
She was a joy to photograph with her smiles:
We had a beautiful fall day for the Williams family:
Charlie had his first trip to the ocean:
Sophia showed off for her 9 month shoot:
Love this little girl's bright blue eyes:
Another beautiful family:
Fun holiday shots:
Logan turned 1 year old:
Walker loved being outside:
Roman laughed throughout his 6 month shoot:
Love this outfit and the holiday decorations:
A smiley baby makes everyone happy:
A beautiful snow to finish the year: