Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Christmas with Ryder

It's Ryder's first Christmas! So time for some Christmas pictures of the little one for holiday cards. I went over to his house to get some cute shots of him in front of the tree where he posed for us. He didn't like his holiday hat very much though! But I just love those big eyes - what a cutie!!

Ryder Proofs-1

Ryder Proofs-6

Ryder Proofs-16

Ryder Proofs-20

Ryder Proofs-11

Ryder Proofs-23

Ryder Proofs-18

Ryder Proofs-38

Ryder Proofs-7


  1. Shannon great pictures of Ryder! He is sooo adorable!!!

  2. Wonderful pictures, Shannon! He is such a cutie pie. I agree, those eyes are the best! Can't wait to see the pics of Claire... too bad she didn't show her eyes - ha!

