Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Piper and Zoe

I was pleased when Kristen asked me to come and get pictures of Piper and Zoe. It's hard to believe that a year has passed since I took pictures of Piper, she has grown so much and has become a big sister to little Zoe, who is more adorable with each month. I love the outfits Kristen chose for her girls, although it was tough to get one of both of them wearing the outfits together. We started out taking pictures inside and then headed to the park to get some of Piper and Zoe outside. Below are my favorites.

Zoe Blog-3

Zoe Blog-13

Zoe Blog-4

Zoe Blog-1

Zoe Blog-9

Zoe Blog-11

Zoe Blog-5

Zoe Blog-15

Zoe Blog-7

Zoe Blog-6

Zoe Blog-2

Zoe Blog-12

Zoe Blog-14

Zoe Blog-8

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