Thursday, December 30, 2010

Best of 2010 - Happy New Year!

Thank you again to all my clients in 2010.  It is an honor to take pictures of your family and I hope to be able to continue to do so for you in 2011.  I love being able to see the little ones grow - and can't wait to see what the new year brings.  Below is the "Best of 2010" - check back with us in January to see new specials and offerings.  Happy New Year, may you have continued blessings in 2011. 

Tommy Proofs-34
Tommy with his bright blue eyes at 6 months old

Newborn Madelyn

And her big brother Jacob

Claire Blog-1
Claire at 4 months

Renae Blog-5
It's almost time for Renae and Matt to welcome their little one

Cousins Braden & Nicholas sharing some toys

Wesley with his big brown eyes

Love this father-son picture of Wes and Scott

Ryder Blog-2
Hard to believe Ryder is 1 already!

Ryder Blog-11
Such a good looking family

Newborn Connor in his manly truck

A brand-new family

Ella Blog-7
Ella trying to lift that head

Katy Proofs-7
Katy's getting ready for college

Claire Blog-3
Claire is such a star!

Claire Blog-5
Another beautiful family (on one of the hottest days of the year)

TommyEmma Blog-14
Emma loved the camera

TommyEmma Blog-7
And Tommy is one year too!

Hannan Family Blog (4 of 9)
They actually are all looking!

Wenger Blog-6
Another good looking kid with big blue eyes

Wenger Blog-8
The Wenger family in their beautiful backyard

Madelyn looking so big already

Before the big storm hit, we got a great picture of the Ferencak fam

Ryan Blog-4
Ryan's ready for his senior year at Lake

Jacob Blog-5
Another new family with little Jacob

Jacob Blog-8
He's saying "how cute am I?"

Roman Family Blog-12
The Roman Family looking good as always

Lauren Blog (4 of 9)
Welcome to the world Lauren!

Zoe Blog-5
Happy baby Zoe

Zoe Blog-11
And Piper loved playing around, such a big 3 year old

Ella & Andrew Proofs-18
Big brother and little sister Andrew and Ella on a windy day

Ella Blog -6
Another happy baby, little Ella

Ella Blog -10
What a great family picture

Kindric Family Blog-4
Little Isabella wanted to play all day

Keegan Family Blog-12
After a rain-out, we had beautiful weather with the sun brightly shining for this shoot with the Keegan's

Keegan Family Blog-8
Brotherly love

Keegan Family Blog-11
And another happy baby!

Claire 1 Year Blog-9
Claire is 1!!

Connor Blog-2
Connor all ready for Christmas

May collage
And the May family played around

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