Wednesday, May 23, 2012

New stuff...

I have decided to embark on a new journey with my photography.  I will be doing a 365 daily image project, which means I will be taking at least one picture a day for the next 365 days.  I have been reading about it and it is going to take some dedication and hopefully I have it!  I want to try and look at things from all different perspectives and learn something in the process.  And I am sure there will be many pictures of Charlie in this!  I want to try and take the pictures with my DSLR but I know that some days I won't be able to and that is when my handy dandy iPhone will come into play.  And the super cool app instagram.  So cool that I can now post pictures on instagram and then tag them to show up directly here on my blog (as seen in the post below).  This will begin on June 1, 2012 - and I open to ideas and themes as well!  And if you want to join with me, that would be even better! 

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